Monday, 6 May 2013

Day One of the Overnight Diet "Smoothie Day"

Okay, so after being asked to try this diet I received the book in the post. At first glance it was very complicated, but this article in the Daily Mail: made it much less so.

The premise is that it is a high protein diet like the Atkins diet but without the fat. The main difference to other diets at the moment is the addition of a smoothie day. The diet says that by eating no solid food on day one this can kick start your body into a better mood for losing weight, even saying that you can lose 2lbs overnight on these days.

Today being the first day it is a smoothie day, so I have just made my first one. Banana Chocolate Swirl as the book describes it. Unfortunatly having no cinneman and being unable to source chocolate syrup at the supermarket this ended up just being greek yoghurt (for the protein), banana and skimmed milk. Because of this it is a very bland smoothie, just like banana greek yoghurt, but it makes enough for a full tumbler and the diet suggests that you stop drinking before you are stuffed so we will see how this one goes and I will be back with the second smoothie later this afternoon.

Weight at start of diet, 19st 2.5lbs

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